Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Challenge. Day 6.

Day 6: Favorite super hero and why.

I think it is one of my pet peeves when people ask this question. In my opinion, it is one of the most unoriginal and pointless questions to ask a person. What is even worse is when people ask you,

"If you could be any super hero, who would it be and why?"

I was asked this question in an important interview for a scholarship once, and I just wanted to shake my head in disgust and ask the people in charge,


How did they possibly think they would learn anything about me by asking such a dumb question?

I sat for a second wondering. Because I didn't want to give the same lame answers as everyone else.



The Hulk.

So I said,

"I think it would be cool to be the evil blue lady off of X-Men."

Looking back on it now, I can understand why everyone in the room gave me blank looks at that answer. Either they hadn't seen X-Men and had no clue what I was talking about, or they thought something was very wrong with me since I chose to be a bad guy that looked like an evil avatar. But I think it would be a cool power to morph into other people on demand. Awesome, actually.

I guess they wanted an unoriginal answer for their unoriginal question. Whatever.

I suppose I should have given the answer that everyone seems to give. . . .

My favorite super hero is Batman, because he isn't even a real super hero. He doesn't have any powers. He uses his brain and resources to save people.

There, is that better?

But in all honesty, that is a stupid answer and you are technically not even answering the question.

Because you were asked who your favorite SUPER HERO was, and then, let me give the generic Batman answer once again,

My favorite super hero is Batman, because he isn't even a real super hero. He doesn't have any powers. He uses his brain and resources to save people.

Well guys, cops do that too. And fire fighters. My mom does that. So basically, that answer destroys the whole question. . . .which means I can choose anyone or anything that I consider a hero in some way.

So what if I chose the Trix Rabbit as my favorite super hero? It is the same idea. The Trix Rabbit has his very own delicious cereal and he sacrifices by never getting to eat it. He lets the evil children always steal from him.

So take that, stupid question.

If I could be any super hero, I would be the Trix Rabbit. Then I would beat the crap out of those annoying kids and eat a whole box of Trix cereal. Poor Trix Rabbit. I have felt so bad for him my whole life.

Give me the Trix and nobody gets hurt. . .

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