Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog Challenge. Day 14.

Day 14: A picture of you and your family.

I am a little bit sad because we just got family pictures taken a few weeks ago. With my luck, we will get them back later this week or something. So I will have to use an older picture. . .but as soon as I can, I will get some of our new beautiful pictures up. She is editing them right now. If you want some excellent pictures taken then check out Melanie's blog. She is great!

But here is a family picture taken a couple years ago:

We all look pretty different since this was taken. I was a senior in high school. The only person that looks exactly the same is my dad. My mom is a tiny, little skinny girl now. My sisters are a bit bigger. And Jace looks way different. He looks like a little boy in this picture. Now he is a man with a deep voice and he actually thinks he can beat me up (he can't). Jace actually hates this picture because I am squishing his face in it. Muahahaha. . .

I love my family so much. My extended family too. I feel so very blessed to have the wonderful relationships I do with family members. I feel happy to say that my parents are some of the first people I go to for advice. I think it is special how close I am with my extended family as well. In high school, my aunts were always there for me to give me advice with boys or sports. My grandparents came to all my sporting events and performances. I have never been good at card games, but I for sure got dealt the winning hand when it came to my family. They are my best friends. Even though I get frustrated with my siblings sometimes and maybe don't come home as often as my mom and dad would hope, I really want them to know how much I adore each of them.

Love you, Keller Clan!!

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