Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Wish List 2011

I realize this is the time of year to think of others and shower them with gifts. I really like that.

 The thing is, I'm really bad at telling other people what I want. I guess I have this idea in my head that it's rude to want certain things and expect to get them. But because of that, it's my own fault if I get peanuts and socks for Christmas because, hey, what else were they supposed to get me if I left them clueless?

The answer to that question is: peanuts and socks.

And just to clear up any sad thoughts you may be having for me at the moment: I have never actually received peanuts and socks as a Christmas present. But I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

So with the fact admitted that I'm horrible at just being a boss and telling people what I want, I decided it'd be easier to nonchalantly make a wish list on this here blog. So anyone out there wanting to get me something (Santa) can look here instead of ask me and get some super awkward answer.

Along with that, I often times really do not know what I want at Christmastime. It's like my mind goes completely blank and I feel completely content with all the belongings I own and think to myself, "I guess I could use some peanuts and socks. But that's about it."

And what is the logical thing to do at a time when you forget those little presents you really want? Well, the logical thing is to remember that list of things for when your birthday rolls around. This is a real problem for me, seeing that my birthday is four days after Christmas. Which a lot of people hear and ask me if that really sucks to have your birthday right after Christmas. My answer to that is, not really. But then again, I wouldn't know what it's like to have my birthday on a different day. Funny thing, those birthdays always fall on the same day of the year. But really, it's not so bad. I love Christmas so there's nothing better than having a huge week of celebration between Christmas, my birthday, and New Years. And quite frankly, I'm quite proud that  I've never had to go to school on my birthday. Ever. And I never will have to. Therefore, I truly celebrate my birthday from the minute I wake up until the minute I go to sleep.

So now that I've rambled on about my awkward ways and my random thoughts on my birthday, here is a list of things I'd love to unwrap on the morning of December 25. Or December 29 (my b-day) works too.

DISCLAIMER: I in NO WAY expect to get every one of these gifts. That would be ridiculous. I am merely making a list full of plenty of options. That's all.

I'd like a ridiculously awesome blazer so I can wear it next semester when I anchor on our ATV student news show. And possibly save it for the future when I make myself into something . . . whether that be a reporter, a promoter of good things, an author, a clothing designer, a super cool wife, a zoo keeper . . . whatever I officially decide I want to be. Forever21 has tons of cute blazers, this classic cocoa colored one probably being my very favorite.

It's time, people. I want a more legit camera than the one I presently have. This is the Nikon Coolpix, which I've read excellent reviews on, but I really am not partial to one type of camera. I just want a camera that's a step up from what I have. I want to step up my photography skills. More shooting and less editing. Better camera.

 A tripod would be a nice treat too. If I get the camera, that is.

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

I'd like an infinity scarf. Or two. Or three. Logan, Utah is cold.

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

Speaking of cold, I really need a new snow coat. I have plenty of 'cute' winter-time coats, but I'm talking I need a real legit snow coat. One that I can roll around on the ground in and still feel dry. It's time to take part in some intense sledding, snowboarding, igloo making while wearing my own coat. Not one I borrowed from my mom or my mom-in-law, since that's what usually happens. 

New running shoes are on my wish list. I've been running in my beloved pair of Asics for . . .a while now. I would really love a bright obnoxious pair. And I'm kind of partial to Nike and Asics as far as running shoes go. When it comes to my feet and exercise, I get a little into brand names. Judge me. It's my one guilty pleasure as far as brand names go. 

So now you can all shake your heads and think about what a demanding little brat I am. I like any other present too. Like books. Or that bunny sweater from Forever21. Or chap stick. Or henna kits. Or high fives. Or peanuts and socks are nice too.

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