Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Truth Tuesday

  • It's so hot right now. I'm hiding in my dark cool living room and all I want for dinner is salad and Otter Pops. Sometimes it amazes me that this weird area I live in reaches the hundreds in the summertime and then can be below freezing during the winter months. Talk about extremes. 

  • Want to scare off creepy guys? Maybe you should buy these hairy leggings. This is a real thing in China, guys. 

  • It amazes me how small babies are. My sister-in-law is having a baby and I've been putting some things together for her shower. Looking at baby clothes just blows my mind. It blows my mind even more to think that I once fit into something as tiny as a newborn onesie. Like, whoa. 

  • Imagine Dragons on Pandora is a good thing. Try it for yourself. 

  • I cannot believe Independence Day is this week. This summer is flying by. I'm excited for the fun in the sun with family as we celebrate one of my very favorite holidays. 

  • My current food obsession is chocolate shakes. I'm talkin' a real old fashioned shake here. Yum, so good. 

  • One day, I will own a pool table. 

  • I made Muddy Buddies for the first time yesterday. Don't ask me how I went for 22 years of my life not making those.

  • Brian and I recently went on a date to a monster truck show. It was intense and I should have brought some earplugs. I wore my best monster truck attire . . . camouflage pants, snap back, and my jean vest. At the end of the show, one of the trucks rolled over. While I was grabbing Brian's shoulder, gasping, and asking if the driver was alright, everyone around us was cheering. It's ridiculous what human beings do for entertainment sometimes. Oh, the driver was fine, just fyi.    


  1. That hairy leg this is hilarious, I really wish I could give some of those to a friend, so funny

    1. I know, right? I want to buy some to surprise Brian.


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