Friday, November 14, 2014

Changing of the Seasons

Yesterday morning marked the first snowfall of the season. There is something that excites me down to my bones about waking up to snowflakes sticking to the bedroom window. It's that same feeling we all get as little children, but I think many of us outgrow it when we become adults. We go from seeing the magic in everyday occurrences to finding the nuisance in everything we can. And I understand that snow can be a pain. It creates dangerous driving, it leaves sidewalks to shovel and roads to plow. I get it. But I still choose to see the magic in snow. Because if I can't do that then I feel as if life would be incredibly mundane. So yes, I hopped out of bed yesterday and ran to the window. There wasn't snow sticking to the ground yet but the snowflakes were beginning to fall. So I squealed, hopped up and down and yelled to Brian (who was already in the shower), "Brian, it's snoooooowing!"

A friend of mine posted a quote on Instagram yesterday and I totally relate.

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." -George Santayana

I've never been able to peg what my favorite season is. I think my favorite is whichever one is beginning. I'm completely okay with that. I see people who absolutely love summer . . . and it's kind of heartbreaking to see them mope around the rest of the year. So yes, I'm a fan of the changing seasons. I'm looking forward to wearing mittens and going skiing. Speaking of going skiing, Brian and I went to a ski swap yesterday and left with skis, poles and boots. So I guess we better go skiing a few times this winter.

Now let's talk for a minute about how beautiful this autumn was. Warm temps the whole time through. I was hiking in tank tops in October. That never happens.

I love that I'm writing a blog post about the weather. Wow. Isn't that a thing you do when there's nothing better to talk about?

". . . . nice weather we're having."

Well, we also took some super amateur family photos this fall. One day I'll plan ahead (and also dish out the money) and schedule for an actual real photographer to take our photos. But for now, I think I can live with the tripod and remote approach.


  1. I feel the same way about changing seasons! The new snow is magical!

    1. It is like magic. I love seeing everything covered in white! Now let's hope we can have a super white Christmas!

  2. I love fall and winter best. The pretty leaves are amazing and I agree with Madeline, new snow is magical! But the other two seasons have their beauties for sure. I love that quote!

  3. Your pictures are professional!!! I love them


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