Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Truth Tuesday

  • Because it's true^^^.

  • On Saturday, Brian and I were out shopping. It was snowing really hard and I was, of course, wearing boots with zero traction. As we were driving out of the parking lot, BWell pulled to the curb so I could throw some trash in a nearby garbage can. I felt the need to run to the garbage can and then run back to the car. That was a terrible idea. As I ran in front of our car, I slid, fell on the hood, then plopped on the ground. Then I couldn't get back up. When I finally managed to pull myself off the ground of the Target parking lot, I was cold, wet and a man with a beard was laughing at me. When I finally got inside the safety of the car, Brian was laughing at me too. 

  • I'm attracted to older men. Like, men who are in their 50s/60s. Brian is aware of this bizarre fact and I always remind him he has so much to look forward to. 

  • I realized today that people who do not know me, but listen to me on the radio while I'm deejaying probably imagine me as an obese person. The reason being, I often go off on tangents about food. I like what I like. And that's chocolate and pizza. 

  • A guy who helped me through the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A discovered I was "Kelsey from VFX" and he was all starstruck. This made me feel really weird. He also managed to utter out, "I always wonder what you guys look like," so perhaps he was just surprised that I was decent looking and not 500 pounds (since I always talk about food).

  • Remember "The Famous Jett Jackson" on Disney Channel? I just found out the main actor died last summer. I'm depressed about it.  

  • This song is one of the saddest songs ever written. In my opinion. 

  • I adore cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. 


  1. I LOVE listening to you on the radio :) Best thing ever. Whenever you're deejaying, I yell 'IT'S KELSEY KELLER WELLER' like really loud in my car because I get excited...hahaha :) #bestdeejayever

    1. Ha ha! Elisabeth, you are great. I'm glad I can bring some excitement to not only the boy at Chick-fil-A, but also to Elisabeth Gee.


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