Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Facts of Me :)

What song has captured your mind lately?
Anything But Mine by Kenny Chesney. . I have my reasons.

What TV show do you catch regulary?

I don't have cable so I basically never watch TV nowadays. But I always have a sick craving, which I hate to own up to, for this show:

What book really has lately engaged you?
I love reading. I love books. But I'm still on a roll with Mary Higgins Clark books.

What movie do you find yourself re-watching?
The Princess and the Frog. I'm a sucker for kid shows. Don't judge me.

What is something that is over-rated lately?
"I got my pants at the Buckle and only spent $108." Well, guess what? I spent about $18 on mine and my butt still looks just as good as yours.
What is the best kept secret in music you NEED to share?
Don't you dare go to the radio to find new music. It's the artists that haven't made it big that you have to search for a little, that have the best music. My theory is that the majority of the time, fame ruins the artist. Like The All-American Rejects. . . Their old stuff was sooooo much better.

What comfort food has been important as of late?

It's always been oreos. . .but I haven't needed them as of late. Yay me. I always want a Jamba after I've worked out though.

What place is your hiding place?
First Dam. I love it there. Or just anywhere that's outside and pretty. Places I can run to. Just me and my iPod.

Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Pictures, letters, cards. . I have a hard time getting rid of anything that brings back some sort of memory.

What beverage do you consume daily?
Ha ha.. Milk. I drink so much milk. I drink more milk than your average man. I should just purchase a milk cow. It'd probably save me money in the long run.

What store or shop do you frequent the most?
Lately it's been American Eagle.

Who are your favorite male/female celebs?

Male: Gerard Butler. For oh so many obvious reasons.
Female: Audrey Hepburn. It doesn't say current celebs, so I choose her. She's beautiful and classy.
Favorite color as of late?

I've had this thing with purple. I've been choosing purple everything without even realizing.


  1. I love your blog. Have I said that before? I also think your dad looks alot like Kenney Chesney, who I actually saw today. Your dad, not Kenny:)

  2. Ha ha, that is quite hilarious because EVERYONE says he looks like Kenny Chesney! Just don't tell him that, he'll get all defensive. And I'm jealous you got to see him. Oh, and very, very glad you love the blog! :)


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