Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Truth Tuesday

  • I recently received a card in the mail from the post office. It stated they were holding a card for me that didn't have enough postage. I would have to come in and pay for my mail from unknown sender. Today I went in and paid $1.87 for a greasy envelope which contained a crushed up Oreo. It was from my brother. Don't tell him . . . but I didn't eat it. I smelled it just because I felt guilty. 

  • I made homemade Oreos for our Opening Ceremonies party with our friends. While making them, I got the bright idea to make red, white and blue frosting. It's a little bit pathetic how proud I was of myself. 

  • I'm sorry (actually, no I'm not), but people who post passive-aggressive statuses on Facebook are pathetic. We've all seen it. An upset person gets on Facebook and posts a status so that the person they are upset with will see it and feel bad. But the upset person didn't say any names or anything like that, so they don't have to own up to doing anything wrong. In my opinion, this is way worse than talking about someone behind their back. Seriously, instead of being a coward and hiding behind your Facebook profile, confront the person you are mad at to their face. Then you'll save all the rest of us from feeling awkward when we read your rage-filled status. 

  • Okay, I really am sorry. You're not pathetic if you do that. You maybe just make poor Facebook decisions. Just think before you post, yeah? 

  • I went to do the dishes a few days ago (there were dishes piled on dishes in the sink). I moved a plate to find a MASSIVE spider. I panicked. I'm totally comfortable with little spiders and try to avoid killing them. But when the thing is as big as my ear, that's sort of a problem. I called Brian so he could walk me through killing it. He told me to wash it down the sink and turn the disposal on. I put my phone on speaker and set it on the table. I told Brian to stay on the line while I committed the murder, just in case the spider attacked. I grabbed the sprayer and let the water gush out. The spider quickly dashed under a bowl. I screamed. I sprayed. I screamed. I sprayed. Water flew in all directions. I finally killed the beast. I was shaken up to say the least. Later when Brian got home, with a smile on his face, he guiltily told me he'd had his phone on speaker. Everyone at the office was listening to me. He's lucky I didn't do him in like I did with that spider. 

  • I'm over the top dog-hungry right now and I think I'm cursed. Every time I park somewhere, the car next to me has a dog in the backseat. Not only that, but each and every time, I lock eyes with the dog and then I want it. I'm going to dognap someone's dog from their car soon if I don't get help. Brian and I were going to get a dog for Christmas but we put it off because we thought it would be better to wait until spring. Spring is coming, guys. Spring equals dog. 

  • I'm thinking I'll start a new career in cat photography . . . 

But come on, don't tell me that's not the best thing you've seen all day. I love Luna.  


  1. ahahaha!! Brian is hilarious but I would have killed him too. Oh so funny!

    1. Yeah, it was embarrassing. That night, his secretary even wrote on my Facebook wall that she hoped I killed the spider.

  2. The oreo letter thing is so random and hilarious. I dont understand. Also people who make those statuses on facebook drive me crazy. It's like NO ONE CARESSSSSSS.

    1. Don't even ask me about the Oreo because I don't understand it either. My brother is just weird. But I really love his weirdness a whole lot.

  3. The spider thing.... BAH... I am from Florida and we used to have HUMONGOUS wolf spiders. We knew not to step on them because they carry their babies on their backs... so when you step on it the babies scatter everywhere. HATE HATE HATE!

    Also... I hate when people do that Facebook thing. ANNOYING and kind of immature!

    Xo Lourdes

    1. Wolf spiders are disgusting. I'm pretty sure this one was a wolf spider. I had no clue they carried babies on their backs . . . that is terrifying. Gross. Ewww. Sick.


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