
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Best: Battle of the Sweats

cardigan: Violet Hill Boutique, dress: Dillard's, tights: Kohl's shoes: Kohl's, necklace: Smith's, earrings: Forever 21

With all this cold air and inversion, it can be a constant battle to get dressed in the mornings. my alarm goes off and instead of being excited to delve into my closet for an outfit, I think, "I just want to stay in my bed. I just want to wear my baggy man sweats." But every day, I fight off the evil and lazy temptation to wear sweats and put on real clothes. 

My freshman year of college, I went through a dark period. You know, where I was feeling lost and insignificant. And every day, I wore sweats and a hoody to class. I made up excuses that my lack of dressing up was due to being on the track team. "I have practice later," I would say, "it makes more sense to just already be dressed for practice." But that was all dirty lies, I tell you. The truth was, I wanted to hide. So I hid in those comfy and boxy sweats and trudged around to class, hoping I went unnoticed.

I never want to have that feeling again, the feeling of wanting to go unnoticed. So when it seems easy to put on sweats, I remind myself I am better than that and I put on something cute. Even on days when I don't feel cute. 

So even though I'm experiencing a bit of the winter blues and my skin is so dry that it seems to constantly flake off my face (I am disgusting, I know) I still tried to dress my best for church today. This outfit above was the result. So for a few blessed hours, I felt like a lady. A lady with a dry face, but a lady nonetheless. A lady with a demand to be noticed. 

And then when we got home, I put the sweats on and consumed leftover Winger's sticky fingers and fries. Sue me. 


  1. Oh the dark ages of our freshmen year. I feel like Shayla was the only one who didn't go through that and always looked great as per usual. Glad that's over for all of us.


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